Have you ever in your life looked at yourself in the mirror and said, “I thought I’d be further along by now?”

I definitely have.

Now, before I tell you exactly how I “stumbled” my way into having a business, let me rewind for a moment so that you can see that I’m nothing special.

At the age of 15 I arrive in this country without knowing a word of English… not a single word. I struggle every moment to fit in with society. I had done pretty much exactly what society and the media tell us to do, i.e. go to school (AA. Computer Science), get a job… blah blah… you know the deal. And yet… it clearly wasn’t working.

I began the journey of freelance marketing because I wanted freedom in my life. Freedom that would allow me to work whenever, and wherever I wanted.

You see, I’ve known for a long time that I’d be unhappy if I had to go to work every day for someone else for the rest of my life. Now I’m not saying that it’s necessarily a bad thing to work for someone else, I’m just saying I knew it wasn’t for me. I wanted a different lifestyle.

But I got caught up in the comfortability of living with my parents and not taking actions. I was scared to end up in a job that I didnt like and had to wake up every unhappy. And probably why most of my jobs didnt last long. I felt like failure….



Of course at the time I had no idea that this failure would be such a good thing. With a little help from some influential people I realized that my mindset was not conducive for a happy and successful lifestyle, in fact, it was quite the opposite. Somewhere along the way I heard some rendition of the following quote…

“In order to achieve the results you’ve never had, you have to be willing to do the things you’ve never done”

And just like that, a light bulb went off. I was doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. I had been doing this for years. No wonder I was so unhappy when I looked in the mirror.

When I came to the realization that the lifestyle I wanted, wasn’t just going to fall into my lap, things started to change for me.

I started listening to those who had actually had real success and happiness, and stopped listening to unhappy, unsuccessful people tell me how to be happy and successful.

But, most importantly, I stopped listening to my own excuses of why I wasn’t where I wanted to be.

When my mindset changed, it allowed me to see the opportunities that were right in front of my face. Opportunities that I previously would have never ventured into because of my scarcity, and fearful mindsets.

I stumbled upon an internet marketer who happened to be hosting a live webinar teaching people how he built an online business, from nothing, with no tech skills whatsoever. I was very interested. So I downloaded his PDF and watched the webinar.

I was so excited about the information! But, the old me kept trying to creep in and make excuses like:

“this is too good to be true,”

“this is probably a scam,”

“How could this possibly work for me?”

“I don’t have enough time to learn the required skills,”

“I’m not in the right city,” or “not in the right state,”

“too young, too old.”

You get the idea.

I didn’t let the old me ruin this though. Instead what I did was take the information and apply it. I connected with others in the industry and learned everything I could about online marketing. And all that is what led me to creating this page and my website, and its why I want to help you create freedom in your life too, if that is truly what you are searching for.

If I can do this in my free time, while working a full-time job, you can too. 

Don’t let the years go by just becoming comfortable and settling into a job that doesn’t fulfill you, like I did for so long.

Learn from my mistakes.

Don’t be one of those people who wishes they would have done something sooner.

The best time to take action, or make a change, was five, ten, fifteen years ago but, the second best time, is RIGHT NOW!

Hey everyone, thank you so much for checking out my page! I appreciate it more than you know. If you’re still here, it’s probably because you can relate to my story, or you’re ready to make a real change. If you want to take control of your life, or just want a little bit more freedom, DM or email me and I’d be happy to set you on the right path!